Deeper thoughts after a session with George Couros! Innovative Mindsets It is more than New & Better Not exactly Change all the time either, It is more of being better at what you do. You have to disrupt what you have BEEN doing, to be better. Disrupt your routine.YOU do it first. Have that meeting without paper if you want a paperless class to actually happen. He quoted: We need to find the best people & find job titles for them, not fit the people into the job titles. Think about this: 1. Show what you are doing in class each day. What if we tweeted one thing? What would it do to the learning of everyone? 2. Connect with another educator of same grade and learn from each other. It matters when you are sending it out to the world. Suddenly you want to get it right. The freedom is powerful to share. Same thing with kids. Rock Paper Scissors Game - overcoming obstacles in a room when 500 educators play a...