This summer there are so many ways that I have learned new things. From classes with Mr. LeBeau to National Conferences, to Twitter, and blogs daily. There is just so much that my ADHD is just wallowing in it all.
I have learned that
EVERYONE you meet knows something you don’t.

I have learned:

I have learned:
- I must limit my time on Twitter because I will be there forever and reading so many blogs my eyes will cross.
- google forms can be used for exit tickets
- reading choice matters
- tons of reasons to help kids read and why
- I need a way to keep up with all the blogs that I read so I can share with others:
- This morning I read - great ways to reword you questions.
- Ways to reflect and keep a great summer going -
- How to motivate your life to get what you want out of everything - TED Talk
- Stop saying you are FINE - say Amazing! I am Amazing! Say it.
- Epic Reads 8 Quotes that will make your knees weak
- George Couros - 3 Questions that Drive Passion Based Learning
- John Green’s TED TALK - the Nerd’s Guide to Learning Everything
- google email works better with tags, and archived away. Love this but HELP! I have 20K to do.
- I found a new font extension for google docs - OMG so fun.
- Fluburoo will grade for you also - For FREE
- Apps galore that will help students
- my own new motto of HIGHER REASONS - means more every day
- awesome books to order - my list now looks like the children’s list Santa holds.
- everything you need to learn is probably on TED or YouTube already
- There is no excuse for not learning now
That’s my wanderings today!
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