Today was my 17th 'first day' in education. My 11th in public school at Everman I.S.D. I am learning more and more every day. The kids make it so much more fun though. All summer I have been in and out of trainings, with some kids for summer school, and working the last two weeks with adults. Today was better because the KIDS were there.
Some were scared and unsure. Some were angry their sleep was disturbed. Some were tired of the dress code already, but they were there. I know in their heads they are saying to themselves, "this year, THIS IS the year I am going to be awesome, I am going to start off on the right foot, and make great grades. I will be organized. I will ace every class. Then there are the ones in lines with parents trying to just register and praying they have all the paper work required like at the D.M.V. The constant paper work that ties us to places and people required to prove something. I like the kids.
I found some cool books today to read. If I could stop time and just read, wow. But I will fit these in.

A really great list of awesome books here too.
I saw this article and thought wow I wish someone would share that with me long, long, ago.
But if it was your first day somewhere, smile and know many are unsure but you can always help someone to make you feel better about the world.
Happy Reading Friends.
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