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5 Things to make you a better Teacher This Year - Be the Change!

1. I might have to add this to my mottoes for teachers:
 STOP TALKING, Start Listening.
This article about BRAIN research from Kagan is awesome.  It tells teachers, that "Tellin' ain't Teaching"
I wish I could YELL it to all teachers.

2. Build Relationships First - Get to know them.
They are kids. They need consistency and love. They need to like school, just like Camp. "School is awesome."  I love playing games at the beginning of school to find the leaders, or shy students in the group, get them up, get them moving. Start with music something positive and happy.  Be happy to be there and love your content and they respect that. Make it about them, and their favorite things - then add in the content to those topics.  If they love video games, go online - grab some cheat codes and see if they can tell you how to score higher, watch and see how fast suddenly they can read. I haven't had a student give me a boring answer on an inventory sheet that didn't help me know, understand more about them. Find a student inventory - reading inventory, or personality inventory and learn more about your students likes and dislikes.
Questions like: The best thing about me is...
What I enjoy doing the best....
I earn the best grades when I....
The things I like best about myself are...
If I could follow someone around for a day at their job it would be....

I have learned that ALL students come to school to SUCCEED, so you can help them do that by saying,
3. "I Believe in You"
This article from BAM Radio tells you how to avoid embarrassing students, and how to reword your questions to encourage them and let them know you are a support to help them Succeed more each day.  Ask them to SHOW you how it is done.  Believe they can.  Awesome Teachers do this.

4. Classroom Strategy  STRUCTURED TIMED Pair Share

Asking students a question and getting one eager volunteer to answer is common in every classroom.  However a better way is the Kagan strategy of Timed Pair Share.  Ask the same question but give students 45 seconds to answer it to their elbow partner, - Both have to answer, all have to participate and no one is daydreaming, all are participating. Time flies when this is used.  Use Higher level questions or ask students to compare two h istorical characters or characters from a text allow for more time. If you LISTEN you will hear great responses, and quickly can tell who might need more help understanding or focusing.  I love Kagan stuff and if I ever get to attend a class, I will jump at the chance.  Read more about it here at Kagan Articles:

5.  Great ways to begin the year!

This one is wordy at the beginning so I scrolled down to the words: Part One there are some great ideas here and helpful. Remember YOU can do this, and Be Great!


Things to NOT do on first day.  I agree with a few of these.  Some maybe.


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