iPadPalooza 2015 Beyond Incredible
Spending this week in Austin was beyond incredible for me. The learning opportunities at this event were beyond my capacity. I left Thursday late with such brain overload that I could barely form complete sentences. So, I am trying to put it all together because it went so fast, I am reading my notes and wishing I have voice recordings for all the amazing sessions, and people and just great information passed along. To anyone who knows me, they know I am a complete nerd and a workaholic. So these three days just fed my inner learner to gluttony status I am sure. My A.D.H.D was just bouncing everywhere, as I was picking up new buzz words, and new apps, books to read, teachers to inspire and fun websites, and just the point of encouraging kids to want to think, & learn more,... was literally in every session. So I am going to try to just post two tips a day, while I calm my thoughts and plan great ideas to use with our students.
So tip #1 - YOU MATTER!
Thank you Tech Ninja Todd - who is Todd Nelsonloney @TechNinjaTodd - He was in the Mini Keynote on Wednesday. He used this with his campus this year as a first year principal and it really made a difference. They wrote letters to kids before school telling them how great the students are and that they can make a difference and that they are excited for the new school year! He didn't get a lot of feed back at first. But I love how this set a positive tone for the whole year. By the end of the year, when students gave Todd a letter, letting him know that even as an Autistic student who had always been judged as sped when first met, felt welcomed and encouraged before anyone even met him. Plus the kids continued with the positive tone through out the year by putting post-it notes on doors to encourage teachers, on lockers, or notebooks for friends. Just pick one person to say something kind to and see if it spreads. How cool would that be.
I loved his enthusiasms for students, for learning and mostly I really want to steal (or curate) and use constantly his title of LEAD LEARNER on his campus. What an awesome job he does daily. Wow.
Plus he talks even faster than I do so, I know there is hope for my presentation skills! Get Ready!
Tip # 2 Stop Talking! Go Forth and Create Yearning!
Richard Wells from New Zealand, is 20 years ahead of us. I am pretty sure. He made this incredible info graphic that has been copied in to several languages and shared so much he can't keep up because it is TRUE and teachers need to KNOW this. Stop Talking! even the Teacher needs to stop.

He also said, "If my students need me after they graduate, I have done something wrong." Do your students need you? Teach them to Think and be independent of you.
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