I saw a Tweet today linked to a blog that gave a teacher 4 reasons how technology can help with classroom management. ( I'm trying to find it again to give credit). But I thought about how my students react to having the Chromebooks in their classrooms. I have watched this happen in my own class, but when you hand a student a computer, iPad, or tech device, you send a message to this child. “You are worth it.”
My campus is a title one district, some students deal with survival more than any student should. But to some, by having their own device, it sends the message you believe in them. They know you want them to be successful, and you can help them learn needed skills for today's world. It sends the message, you can be professional, you can learn, grow and we care. This is why students armed with technology are suddenly more engaged, they feel valued. A valued child can then grow confident and safe making learning easier. Less behavior problems happen when you have student's best interest in mind. When students know you care, they want to learn with you.
My campus is a title one district, some students deal with survival more than any student should. But to some, by having their own device, it sends the message you believe in them. They know you want them to be successful, and you can help them learn needed skills for today's world. It sends the message, you can be professional, you can learn, grow and we care. This is why students armed with technology are suddenly more engaged, they feel valued. A valued child can then grow confident and safe making learning easier. Less behavior problems happen when you have student's best interest in mind. When students know you care, they want to learn with you.
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